Patrick Wu

+1 (949-870-9558)

The Super Charmer Masterclass

For the growth-minded gentlemen seeking his dream partner

Watch this 24 minute video to attract and build a fulfilling relationship with the lover of your dreams in 90 days

Turn On The Volume In The Video

Ok Patrick,

I just watched the video.

This is exactly what I need.

Please help me unlock my super charmer abilities...

So that I can captivate the heart and soul of my dream partner.

Not just any kind of partner.

But a partner that will integrate into my daily life seamlessly.

Speak my soul's language.

And love the true version of me.

Assuming this is all true.

What Is This Super Charmer Clarity Call About?

This call will do 3 things for you


1) Analyze your current dating situation

2) Improve your dating process and the way you date

3) Give you your 90 day plan or offer you my support

This call will last between 30-45 minutes over Zoom or over the phone .

It's main objective is to help you get what you want in your romantic life.

We will deep sea dive into your mind and uncover everything about you and your relationship with dating from:

-How you approach dating.
- What you really want in a relationship.

- What's blocking you from being with your dream lover.

-What makes you uniquely desirable as a romantic partner.

- How you can attract your dream lover 9x's more quickly.

- How to build your next romantic relationship in 12 weeks

Why Is This Super Charmer Clarity Call Free?

I want to help as many great guys out there find a love they have been seeking for their entire lives.

I also do this because I know some men will want extra help from me to get dating results even more quickly.

However, there is only 1 of me and I have yet to learn how to clone myself.

This means these calls are limited to a first come first serve basis.

Ready to book your free session with me?

See What Others Are Saying

Jordan Z.

"It's crazy how how after we had this manifestation thing, I got what I wanted"

Mahesh K.

"I was single for 5 years and then I met a partner after The Art Of Wooing Academy"

William T.

"This is for you if you want to be the best version of yourself and if you want to connect in a real genuine way"

Richard G.

"The Academy has been very freeing"

Steve G.

"I got over the fear of being rejected"

Jay M.

"Even though Pat and I talked for an hour, he literally fixed my problem in 15 minutes"

Jeremy W.

"It's funny how i'm doing the same things but I get more desired reactions"

Transformational Journey To The "Ultimate Love"

Patrick Wu

Jordan Zavala

Oz Chen

"Through this last season of dating, which led me to meeting the love of my life"

Not Convinced? I Have More For You

Nate C.

"The Art Of Wooing simplifies dating. He won't fix you or make you change who you are but rather show you that you are enough as you are. Because of the program, I was able to see the opportunities around me with new eyes and learn that by being myself, I will attract the people right for me"

Matt S.

"The beauty of Pat’s teachings is that he helps you to bring out your natural tendencies in social and dating interactions and allows you to keep one of the most important tools you have when it comes to attracting others into your life, and that is you own individual personality."

Steve J.

Joswin C.

Sam K.

"Thanks to Patrick’s coaching, exercises, and advice, I was better able to make a great first impression and to develop stronger, more lasting interpersonal connections. For example, before I started the coaching, I was unemployed, dateless, and alone. Immediately after the coaching, I experienced greater success and connection in my job interviews, dates, and social activities. I am proud to say that I now have a fulfilling job, a loving and devoted girlfriend, and more friends than ever before. Patrick’s coaching paid off big-time, and I am forever grateful."

Junaid K.

"To be honest The Art Of Wooing Academy was one of the best investments I've made on myself. He knows his stuff and the time shared with him was really transformative for me. He will strip you off the performance mindset and set you free. I've been feeling liberated and calm (mostly) since then. The experience can't really be put in words but only felt. I can't thank him enough for what he's done for me. Thanks Pat!!"

The Art Of Wooing Academy

The Art Of Wooing Academy is a 90 day coaching program that is designed to give you the help, guidance, structure and accountability you need to find, attract and build a fulfilling relationship with your future dream woman, lover, girlfriend, muse, wife and partner.

It will help you find a love that you've been searching for your entire life that you know exists out there.

This program will require you to spend at least 6 hours of your time a week to work on your romantic life. This means playing with new ideas, taking actions, and meeting women.

At the moment, The Art Of Wooing Academy is by invitation only

(Maximum Of 12 Action Takers Only).

There is a 365 day satisfaction guarantee to the program. If you are not satisfied with the results you get, you'll get your money back (if you show you tried)

Here is what is included:

45 Video Course Curriculum

10 Downloadable Worksheet PDF's

12 Foundational Coaching Calls

12 Office Hour Calls (Ask Me Anything)

2 VIP 1-1 Coaching Calls

1 Accountability Partner

1 Community Of Growth-Minded Gentlemen

1 Art Of Wooing Book

Investment is normally $3,000.00

But from the launch of the beta it will only be


Meet Patrick Wu

Having failed more times in the dating world than anyone he knows personally, Patrick went on a romantic quest in search of answers to this one question. What is it that makes two people fall in love with each other and want to spend the rest of their days together?

This question has led him to live a life of adventure where he’s met dazzling beauties, including the most dazzling beauty of all, his wife Lejla.

He hopes of of inspiring other great guys to go on their own romantic quest to find the lover of their dreams.

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